Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Fake Stretchers In Canada


runs CRIF EURISC which is a credit information system,
a credit information system (SIC) positive and negative risks or Central, is nothing but a computer file in which data are collected on loans and personal loans requested and granted to individuals and businesses by banks and finance companies. This funding is required for the purchase of property, a house, to his profession or obtained in a personal capacity.
is important to know that the SIC maintained by CRIF:
- not is a repository of bad payers or a black list, since more than 95% of those surveyed in SCI subjects who regularly repay the funding: it is therefore easy to see that be included in the database does not mean being a bad payer!
- does not contain information on protested bills of exchange or checks or information from the Courts and Offices of Real Estate Advertising (ex Registers).
The information contained in the SCI are sent to CRIF by banks and finance companies that adhere to the System EURISC also known as the participants in the SIC.
These banks and finance companies may review this information only for purposes related to credit protection and minimizing the associated risks. The consultation is therefore:
- when the bank or finance company must evaluate a loan application
- during the period of repayment of a loan

how to check their data in EURISC, the CRIF system of credit information


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