Saturday, December 1, 2007
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Comes a practical guide to mortgages Adiconsum license plate. The Handbook is a collaboration between the monthly GuidaMutui and the Consumers' Association, is dedicated, says Paolo Landi, Adiconsum secretary general, "responsible citizens with the aim of providing useful information on all aspects related to loans for the purchase of the house. " For the director Flavio GuidaMutui Meloni, "the loan is changed, no longer a strict loan until a few years ago it was proposed by the banks. Today, thanks to a diversification of supply, the possibility of increased saving, but to choose against the mortgage has become increasingly difficult. " Among
the tips that the guide gives consumers there to prevent family members to draw on savings to cover the percentage of the loan is not covered. Often, said the manual, the savings do not exist or are insufficient to meet other needs, and use, as well, with more debt, risking to become too high burden for the repayment of all debts. Particular attention driving poses, then the loan application, showing in detail all the necessary documentation. For the subsequent investigation, the guide highlights the best practices used in the United States to grant, that is, the mortgage loan only if the financing does not exceed 28% of household income available and the family does not go beyond debt, overall, 38% of disposable income. Failure to comply with the parameters leads to alternative solutions: the lengthening of the debt or the reduction of the mortgage. In terms of underwriting the loan, to remember that the loan agreement must always be accompanied by a summary is useful to provide a summary of the main conditions of the same. It is important then to know that the choice of the notary is a right of the borrower.
on how to orient, also in the choice of rates, the guide recommends a fixed rate if inflation is expected to grow or if you can count on a steady income. In addition, the fixed rate is preferable if you want known since the conclusion of the amounts of payments and, therefore, the total amount of debt. Better, instead, a variable rate for those with high income or expected a decline in inflation. Floating rate recommended for those who are more willing to bear all risks associated with an increase or decrease the rate. The mixed rate is recommended to those who sign a mortgage in a period of major economic and financial uncertainty. Joint rates are also those who do not want to take final decisions on the rate now or at any rate, people skilled enough, you can adjust the rate of the loan to future market conditions. Rate balanced, finally, for those with greater knowledge the dynamics of interest rates.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
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"It's a victory for the unity of the groups who initially interpreted the art. 8 of Law 40/2007 in the sense of no cost to the portability of mortgages." This is the comment by Antonio Longo, Chairman of the Defense of the Citizen Movement (MDC) with the decisions today by the Executive Committee of the ABI, with regard to the portability of loans, namely the recommendation to member banks in the event of a takeover of mortgage costs and penalties for the extinction anticipated to take charge of the bank takes over. "We held out in front of the objections of ABI - Longo continues to MDC - and now comes the positive result. We are confident that now the banks can not escape that, which is not only a "recommendation" ABI Executive unanimously, but also an interpretation shared by the Ministry of Economic Development, which has always been clear in this regard. After the notaries who have done their part to make the procedure easier portability, the banks now finally open to the market. It's just - concluded the President of the Movement of the Citizen Defense - a bank that wants to earn our customers offering the underwriters of mortgage portability at no cost, which means to bear any penalty, the costs of the transfer of the mortgage and activation of the new mortgage. We also hope that it triggers a mechanism for healthy competition, always in favor of the customer, with a general willingness to renegotiate the loans from the bank of belonging "(IMGPress)
Friday, November 9, 2007
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"We believe that the practice of the renegotiation, already established abroad, there will increasingly also in Italy," commented Mr. According to the institute, the growth of this trend is that investors today are increasingly aware and more informed about market opportunities, thanks to the internet, an important tool for transparent debate on the best market opportunities. (
Thursday, October 4, 2007
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For mortgages on first homes increased deductions. The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives today unanimously approved 'a resolution tabled by Mr Franco Ceccuzzi, which commits the Government to "increase from 19% in the first income tax rate (currently 23%) the percentage of tax deductible expenses" and "to gradually increase from € 3,615.20 to 6,000 the maximum amount on which to calculate the deduction, a figure stopped now for 13 years.
"With a strong unity 'of purpose and a feeling' policy - said in a statement - the government, represented by Undersecretary of Economy and Finance Alfiero Department and the Finance Committee, chaired by Paolo Del Mese, has taken in this address against a theme of topical 'and that involves millions of families. In recent years, first home mortgages have reached substantial increases: a figure somewhere between 50 and 200 euro per month, even due to the rising cost of money, the type of mortgage and national real estate market growth. A dramatic situation witnessed by the fact that they are multiplied throughout Italy, the cases of judicial enforcement procedures Estate.
"The availability 'of the Government on the issue - concluded Ceccuzzi Franco - the timing bodes well for implementation from next financial . It is a concrete and tangible measures to support families and weak strata.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
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Ensuring Mortgage ? I see before me the question mark-shaped face of a customer who can not explain the because of such a proposal on my part Even if I had asked him to lend his new sports car to make a rally on the rocks of Corsica in a foggy day.
The question I raised is: "but how can a car of 5 years to ensure against theft, and not provide a mortgage that will take us on average for 30 years? "
There are different insurance packages on the market today are able to guarantee peace to the underwriter of the loan for the total duration of the mortgage. Citing a company of all, Systema calculator, a leader in the mortgage industry has created an insurance package, System Protection, which guarantees the customer a peace of mind for the duration of outstanding mortgage protecting them from various events ranging from death to loss of employment also protect the property from the same events as the classic but not limited to the outbreak and fire insurance policies. The policy Systema Protection has a cost such that affect the daily life of the family of about 50 cents. Every person who now faces a very delicate moment in the magic of the purchase of a home life should be prepared for those 50 cents are the price of peace.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
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now that the sub-prime mortgages are on everyone's lips, it seems proper to explain to my readers the meaning of this word
The sub-prime mortgages are loans or quality non-primary. That is granted to customers are set at high risk, which according to their characteristics (low income or a history of bankruptcy) are not eligible for normal credit market. The interest rate and fees charged by lenders are much higher than the average to compensate for the high level of risk. Many of these loans were securitized, that is transformed into debt and sold to institutional investors.
In the United States a growing number of people resorted to extreme forms of mortgage loans for buying a first home. After rising interest rates, many families are no longer able to repay these loans, with indirect effects on those who invested in these products, hence the credit crisis so-called sub-prime
Saturday, September 15, 2007
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The choice between fixed rate, floating rate or mixed rate be customized according to the characteristics of the subscriber. The rate or extent of the interests that will be applied to the sum to be repaid, is certainly one of the most important elements to consider before you choose the type of mortgage . With
the fixed rate (now personally do not recommend) the rate of interest agreed at the signing of the loan remains constant over time, regardless of any fluctuation of the market (ie the rate increases but also of any discounts). It is a type of rate appreciated by those who have a salary employee, as a protection from unpleasant surprises in the future, but also by those interested in a loan not exceed 10 anni.In this type of loan the rate is always at least 1 or 2 points higher than for products with variable rates. The variable rate is instead linked to the performance of certain financial ratios, national or international, also called parameters indexing the most common is the Euribor. Once you set the index to be taken as a reference the bank will apply a credit (the spread), a kind of profit margin for the financial institution that goes from 1 to 2% in more. variable mortgages start, as mentioned above, a lower initial rate than fixed mortgages, but they do not know the exact amount of the rate after the first , let alone know the true cost of the loan. The risk of having to pay more if interest rates rise, however, is offset by the advantage of paying less if interest rates fall. The mixed rate is a new type of rate that is very prevalent in recent years: in the initial phase of the loan provides a fixed rate which then turns into after a variable number of years (or vice versa, starting a "variable "transformed into a" fixed "). Some products that provide the transition from one type to another is decided dall'intestatario rate of funding rather than be automatic. In this way we can continue to maintain the type of rate selected at the beginning for many anni.La mixed rate formula to divide the risks to the inevitable changes in interest rates because it offers the opportunity to maintain or change the rate initially chosen according to the evolution of the rates themselves.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
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Corrado Passera, chief executive of Intesa-Sanpaolo, has demonstrated its optimism about the Italian financial soundness of the building during a meeting with journalists Saturday, September 8, meeting focused on the mortgage crisis , an issue that remains on the agenda, as announced by the agency if Radiocor Economy Minister Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa has called for a Sept. 13 meeting of the ICRC, which attended by the Governor of the Bank of Italy, Mario Draghi, Consob and the presidents and Isvap, Lamberto Cardia and Giancarlo Giannini.
Passera has substantiated his reading, however reassuring the Italian specificity with a series of data. "Families - said Passera - you are in debt in a rational manner. We still maintain the rule that the monthly payment is 30% of disposable income. " In terms of overall wealth, the level of their debt is on average equal to 40% of assets against 'double or triple levels found in European countries and the United States. " The
subprimer classics that have no income or assets to be given a guarantee, are not animals known to the Italian branch. Where, in the end, beyond the initial conditions of individual households applying for a mortgage to buy a house, bad debts are only 1, 5% of the total. But if a comprehensive look at the issue of mortgage risk is small, there is the discomfort of individual cases. Discomfort exacerbated by the growth rates of the last two years. "On a loan of € 100 000 - recognizes Passera - an increase of the rate is between 100 and the 120 €. An increase is not insignificant, but it can be addressed through free of charge at a fixed rate or extending the term of the mortgage. "
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
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For people who have more loans in course and who are struggling to pay all installments today is a product that will help them. It 's the consolidation debts, funding to replace all loans outstanding with a single loan secured by a mortgage on the house property. This new loan will last longer than small installment loans, but the total will be smaller allowing more oxygen to the family at the end of the month. A fundamental requirement in order to consolidate their debts into one installment loan, therefore, is to own your own home. And 'good in my opinion the idea of \u200b\u200bunifying all loans into a single financing allowing you to pay one installment less than the sum of the above, especially in a period where their micro-payments (mobile phones, LCD televisions, holidays, revolving credit cards ... ..) are putting many families in distress.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
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I calculator as if inancing or loans should always be chosen with great care, taking into account the needs of the person or family that needs them. The duration of mutual , and the amount of the installment are two factors in my opinion more valuable than the initial rate or costs. Assuming a mortgage of € 100,000 with a request always suggest a term of 30 years compared to one of 20 in 30 years because we have divided our debt over several years and therefore the rate will be smaller. Who tells me, "but the mortgage lasts 30 years is too long! "I say," Yes it is true that mortgage lasts 30 years but always remember that the holiday lasts a lifetime! "
These are some of the reasons why I always suggest to a family that is the important moment of choice of mortgage to evaluate all the features of the mortgage he considers most important for your peace of mind, perhaps relying on the preparation of a consultant to the real estate credit figure more and more 'relevant in this field especially in periods like the present incertezzaa.
Friday, September 7, 2007
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No surprises last minute by the European Central Bank, which has blocked the 4% cost of money leaving so rates unchanged. After careful analysis, especially conditioned by the outbreak last August's subprime crisis that hit the United States and that it was also felt in all major world financial markets, was the unanimous decision still maintain interest rates at the euro zone.
subpime mortgage crisis, even if it erupted in the United States, has been felt, although to a lesser extent, in the Old Continent. For this reason, the Governor of the European Central Bank encourages companies to react vigorously, although he stressed that the measures of liquidity that are still appropriate.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
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runs CRIF EURISC which is a credit information system,
a credit information system (SIC) positive and negative risks or Central, is nothing but a computer file in which data are collected on loans and personal loans requested and granted to individuals and businesses by banks and finance companies. This funding is required for the purchase of property, a house, to his profession or obtained in a personal capacity.
is important to know that the SIC maintained by CRIF:
- not is a repository of bad payers or a black list, since more than 95% of those surveyed in SCI subjects who regularly repay the funding: it is therefore easy to see that be included in the database does not mean being a bad payer!
- does not contain information on protested bills of exchange or checks or information from the Courts and Offices of Real Estate Advertising (ex Registers).
The information contained in the SCI are sent to CRIF by banks and finance companies that adhere to the System EURISC also known as the participants in the SIC.
These banks and finance companies may review this information only for purposes related to credit protection and minimizing the associated risks. The consultation is therefore:
- when the bank or finance company must evaluate a loan application
- during the period of repayment of a loan
how to check their data in EURISC, the CRIF system of credit information
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Brussels, September 5 - A crisis of subprime mortgages that led to the destabilization of financial markets and as a 'place in the United States' less likely to happen in the European Union. E 'as it has assured the EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, Charlie McCreevy, speaking at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. 'The European market for mortgages has different characteristics than the U.S.,' said McCreevy, 'and then' less likely in the near future in Europe will generate similar problems of scale '.
The European market for subprime mortgages, the EU commissioner pointed out, 'and' very limited compared to that of the United States and we have safeguards in force as the rules for the loans and limits on the value '. (AGI)
Monday, September 3, 2007
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The spread , this mysterious word and all they talk about having a few end users really know the meaning. Often encounter clients who ask me a low spread without even knowing what they are asking, the power of advertising ....
The spread is the real gain the bank granting the loan, the price we pay for that blessed capital that will allow us to buy the house of our lives. The spread also indicates the risk assessment that each of us has for the bank. Let me give an example, if you ask a loan of € 130,000 for the purchase of a property worth € 200,000 and it took the loan with my wife and Our incomes are added up to 5,000 € month surely the bank will value the transaction and prezzerĂ little risky with a spread of 0.80%. The thing is well
different if the purchase of a house worth € 150,000 asking a loan of € 150,000 (not to mention 160,000) and my income and my wife is 2,500 €, in this case the bank considers the most dangerous operation and consequently, the spread will rise. So the more our incomes are high, unless we ask the smaller the spread of capital that the bank deems to apply to our lending operations.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
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Washington. To cope with the subprime crisis, U.S. President George W. Bush yesterday announced a package of measures which, without going directly to public funds, are intended to protect small property. "It is not for the executive prepare bailouts for speculators - says Bush - But having a home property has always been a major part of the American dream." The centerpiece of the reform is to give more flexibility to the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the federal bureau of housing, so that it can intervene on behalf of latecomers insolvent by at least 90 days. The beneficiaries will be mainly holders of variable rate mortgages who have seen rates rise exponentially, doubling or even sometimes from month to month. With the changes, others 80 000 borrowers may draw on Fha as guarantor for the refinancing of loans at more favorable rates, adding to the 160,000 already budgeted (the agency can not provide loans, but only guaranteed). The Bush plan also plans to identify and assist low-interest loans through who might not make it to meet deadlines.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
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Many ancillary costs that accompany the granting and signing a loan agreement added to interest expense, it can lead to reductions, few know that this deduction usually be quantified with the amount of a mortgage payment (up to a maximum of 687 €). We will go and then actually to pay 11 installments each year, the twelfth is in fact corresponds to the tax deductibility of interest expense paid on the loan itself and the other charges that we have faced to turn it on.
Regarding allowed to deduct the costs are:
- Interest paid annual mortgage
- The attorney fees paid for the signing of the loan (not for sale)
- The costs of expert
- expenses investigation
- Insurance costs incidental as accident insurance (but not on the building)
Friday, August 31, 2007
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Never as in this time I have heard from my clients, the big question about the type of rate that I could recommend at this time. Well if I could know how rates will be a year, probably getting rich investing in futures. ... Then the evident impossibility of knowing the future, the choice between fixed rate and variable should be made taking into account the which is the income of the family and its future expectations
Usually the fixed rate is appropriate if you want to know immediately if the payment amount and the income on which the account is a steady income, while the floating rate is more suitable for those with an average income up and taking the risk or benefit of a hypothetical increase or decrease in rates
I prefer to recommend products to my customers in this period of extreme uncertainty are the mixed-rate mortgages that we start with a fixed rate for an average of 3 years and is then free to choose to 3 years in 3 years between the fixed rate and variable rate, so as not to be forced to make an immediate final decision will be with us for 30 years!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
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Mortgages and finance news: I am sincerely happy to publish my first post on this blog safe and confident that I can put my experience in credit available to all those who are at this time to address such an important step like buying a new home.
The international markets are in turmoil at this time, the United States shouting to the world their concern in the mortgage market and would like the whole world to share it as always their problem but fortunately it is not like that or better this time because it is not so Our country has a policy of granting the loan for buying a first home is completely different from the American one. Our banks, first of all analyze the profitability of customers who ask for a loan and in the value of the second order, here in the United States, exactly the opposite has been granted too many loans to parties to default risk based only on the value of the property.
I do not believe to be wrong too when I say that our banking system is much more protected than the American from hazards due to insolvency.
my care in the next post will indicate what are the criteria that every family should consider before choosing a mortgage because each family has different needs from the other and to base this important decision solely on the rate or on the spread seems very risky.