BILL KAULITZ IN: "MY LOVE NO" Part I Maybe I should not think about her so much ... it's time to take back my life, to start thinking about myself, my happiness, my balance.
I feel drained, I let that fine line that broke was my health, my stability.
seemed to be coming into me so sweetly, with love, but really ... it was just selfishness and arrogance.
Did I leave that I am, and I assume full responsibility ... but I never imagined such sweetness hiding in fact a devious mind, a nature selfish.
And now I find myself alone in the fight against this void, as against pain of being cleverly deceived.
But how could this happen? How could I have let down their guard up to this point?
So what was this confidence that I thought I had achieved? The thin veil of balance
concealed in reality still quite fragile and insecure?
Or is she who has found the only weak spot in an armor costruitami with much hard work and determination?
Whatever the explanation does not change the result.
Now I find myself weak, my body is abandoned to despair, refused food, stirs in his sleep ... my eyes are swollen with tears, my heart with sadness ...
I scream, let me go,
break something ... But no gesture, as neutral, would give me peace, give me back my joy.
And 'maybe this is love? Yes?
... Well, then I'd rather do without.