Thursday, October 4, 2007

What Does Jeff Hardys Hand Sign Mean

Growing Mortgage Deductions

For mortgages on first homes increased deductions. The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives today unanimously approved 'a resolution tabled by Mr Franco Ceccuzzi, which commits the Government to "increase from 19% in the first income tax rate (currently 23%) the percentage of tax deductible expenses" and "to gradually increase from € 3,615.20 to 6,000 the maximum amount on which to calculate the deduction, a figure stopped now for 13 years.

"With a strong unity 'of purpose and a feeling' policy - said in a statement - the government, represented by Undersecretary of Economy and Finance Alfiero Department and the Finance Committee, chaired by Paolo Del Mese, has taken in this address against a theme of topical 'and that involves millions of families. In recent years, first home mortgages have reached substantial increases: a figure somewhere between 50 and 200 euro per month, even due to the rising cost of money, the type of mortgage and national real estate market growth. A dramatic situation witnessed by the fact that they are multiplied throughout Italy, the cases of judicial enforcement procedures Estate.

"The availability 'of the Government on the issue - concluded Ceccuzzi Franco - the timing bodes well for implementation from next financial . It is a concrete and tangible measures to support families and weak strata.